Participants :
Amélie Brindamour
Mona El Husseini
Sylvie Laplante
catherine lejeune
chantal t paris
Speranza Spir
Susan Turcot
Chesley Walsh
Outdoor recordings and sound editing : Émilie Mouchous, assisted by Sylvie Laplante
Sound mixing : Stéphane Claude at OBORO’s Sound Studio
Web integration : Stéphanie Lagueux, Ada X
The sympoiesis of an ambulatory reading circle
This ambulatory reading circle follows processual paths to induce a multitude of moments of sharing. The first meeting took place under the sign of walking, solo and in a group, listening activated by the soles of the feet, Haraway's words seeping into ears and the spatiotemporality of the Botanical Garden. The next audio rendezvous with each participant, connecting/ed to a moment of life and took place outdoors near rocks, bodies of water, seeds, insects, leafy ground, or wastelands to a moment and life, took place outdoors, in other places, near rocks, bodies of water, insects or wastelands. The one-take recordings are accompanied by more-than-human and sometimes human voices, that solicit active sounding of thought in motion, and the surprising force of listening from-with-in bodies and situations.
An audio track is heard by selecting a keyword.