Sylvie finds her studio in very long journeys on foot, by bike, by boat… that she undertakes like paths of enigmas, to be elucidated and reconstructed by various propositions and forms : lines, sounds, time, maps of encounters, these are invitations to follow the path again and to carry on further the exploration of a story, always continued and renewed.
This ambulatory reading circle follows processual paths to induce a multitude of moments of sharing. The first meeting took place under the sign of walking, solo and in a group, listening activated by the soles of the feet, Haraway's words seeping into ears and the spatiotemporality of the Botanical Garden. The next audio rendezvous with each participant, connecting/ed to a moment of life and took place outdoors near rocks, bodies of water, seeds, insects, leafy ground, or wastelands to a moment and life, took place outdoors, in other places, near rocks, bodies of water, insects or wastelands. The one-take recordings are accompanied by more-than-human and sometimes human voices, that solicit active sounding of thought in motion, and the surprising force of listening from-with-in bodies and situations.
This project was realized in partnership with MÉDIANE - Chaire de recherche du Canada en arts, écotechnologies de pratique et changements climatiques ( ; dir. Gisèle Trudel) and Ada X, with support of CRSH, FCI and FRQSC.
Ada X is a bilingual feminist artist-run centre engaged in exploration, creation, and critical reflection in media arts and digital culture.
4001 Berri, Suite 201 | Montréal (Qc) H2L 4H2 |